Br-Ai-king Free

Br-Ai-king Free

Creative Solutions for Tight Spaces In the fast-paced world of video production, not every clip handed to you is perfect. Such was the challenge with a segment from the MotionLit Sales Pitch video. The task: make room for dynamic settlement numbers to fly around the...
Another One Hides in the Dust

Another One Hides in the Dust

Visualizing Legal Challenges with AI In a groundbreaking class-action lawsuit about fugitive dust emissions, MotionLit has once again leveraged cutting-edge technology to enhance legal storytelling. This brief case study explores our approach to integrating AI and 3D...
Painting the Omnia Lisa

Painting the Omnia Lisa

Setting the Scene for Vibrancy When it comes to making a splash in the bustling nightlife of Las Vegas, the Omnia Club at Caesar’s Palace is already a standout venue. My challenge was to enhance its visual allure for a special CAALA networking event, using only...